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Spirit of the Living God Healing Ministry, Inc. has been in existence for 15 years.  We are a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization established May 2008, incorporated in January 2009, and received its non-profit status in October 2009.  Pamela Bettis is the Founder and CEO of Spirit of the Living God Healing Ministry, Incorporated. 


Pamela manages and oversees the affairs and day to day operations of this corporation Our Outreach programs and services are designed to empower, strengthen and promote self-sufficiency among residents within our community. The ultimate benefit of these services is improved outcomes related to social, family and community functioning, as well as increased mental and physical wellness; thus, tackling human needs in the community while promoting healthy lifestyles. 

We believe everyone can embrace who they are, can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To educate, encourage, and empower men, women, seniors, children and young adults on healthy living, wellness, optimal physical and mental health and disease prevention ;to promote self-sufficiency and restoration  for the under-served to meet the basic needs for their lives such as food, housing,  health and human services they need. 

All Hands In

Our Vision

Spirit of the Living God Healing Ministry, Inc. is committed to excellence, with a clear vision and passion for delivering outstanding results by making a difference and impacting the lives of others by demonstrating the love of Jesus, Christ through our community-based outreach projects that address and benefit the needs of the under-served community. 

Our Goal

Our goal is to help seniors, women, children and families overcome problems that hinder them from meeting the basic need of their lives such as food, clothing, housing, or medical care. In addition to play an essential role in our community’s health being the link between those who are most vulnerable, hardest-to-reach and the health and human services they need.    

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We Need Your Support Today!

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